Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2 nd Typeface - Client: Interior Design Studio (Logo)

The interior design studio Baobab from Santiago de Compostela (Spain) offered me their card to be redesigned.
As they know I'm doing a typographic project and I have my 4 different categories to create I will work on only one of the typefaces that are in the card -the logo as CORPORATE IDENTITY.


gdcom student said...

Which typeface will you work on for this card? Can you do whatever you like with it or are you adjusting what already exists? I like the variety of print you are beginning to build up.


gdcom student said...

Thank you Aimee,
As I have a project to do and I need to stick to my brief (to give variety to what I produce) I thought it would be a good idea to go for the main one (the logo) for Corporate Identity. They say do whatever you like but it has to please both the owners of the studio.
What do you think?