Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2 nd Typeface - Client: Interior Design Studio (Logo)

The interior design studio Baobab from Santiago de Compostela (Spain) offered me their card to be redesigned.
As they know I'm doing a typographic project and I have my 4 different categories to create I will work on only one of the typefaces that are in the card -the logo as CORPORATE IDENTITY.

1st Typeface - Client: Theatre (Programme)

Even though it's been difficult to get clients without having anything to show them yet I got my SANS SERIF to be used in a poster for a theatre programme.
The client is a pub in Spain called GARIGOLO café-teatro that once a week have a performance in the space available downstairs.
The images below are previous posters done by Manu Lago (Malagra) who offered me total freedom to design the next one (April-May).
The only limitations would be:
The format - they want 2 posters to fit on one A3.
Their logo - arial black.
I'm waiting to have the programme to start with the layout but I started with the typeface... So far I only can say that will be sans serif.