Thursday, April 19, 2007

Complications... by Lee Fasciani

It seems that it's not as easy to design fonts! Here are some valuable comments from LEE FASCIANI:

Hi cristina,

Although you cant really make ‘mistakes’ with designing font – as all work could be seen as subjective – there are some basic principles that I follow.

One of these would be never bastardize an existing font for self-publicising purposes. I say this because:

1. People can see you have basically altered an existing font – in this case helvetica [this is also the most recognised font in the world]
2. This can seem ‘lazy’ in the eyes of type designers
3. Although it doesn’t really matter in your situation, if you wanted to sell any of your creations – there are very strict legal implications when generating fonts from existing typefaces.

My best advise would be to start designing fonts from scratch. It will take you much longer, but if you are passionate about type design, you’ll begin to learn the intricate and delicate nature of the pratice.

I hope that helps

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