Saturday, April 21, 2007

4th - New Font From Scratch


gdcom student said...

Hi Cristina

Cool that you are followign exactly what lee suggested and although I really liked the font you made because of its likeness to helvetica, maybe it is better to have something that is completely your personality. Are you now creating these fonts with a client in mind or does that limit you too much? like to see the hand drawn process.


gdcom student said...

Hi Christina, Its nice to see your process with the creation of all these fonts.
The new one is already looking cool, even with pencil drawings, which one of your clients is it for? or is it just a practice?

gdcom student said...

Hola, love this shot. Is great that youa re documenting the entire process of the creation. It will certainly make people realise how long the process is and will show how meticulous you are being with it. The font itself is so cool, and quite different from the san serif fonts you were creating before. What was your inspiration for this?

melissa x