Friday, April 27, 2007

Very First Draft

That would be the organization for each font:

- Name of the font and where it comes from (from a classic, from scratch...)
- The actual font (all weights) and Outcome.
- Comments from designers/typographers.

The last will be edited and designed as an image using the text/feedback I'm getting from the designers. A type-based image.


gdcom student said...

Lovely layout! The feedback is really interesting to read even for someone not that familiar with type. They're almost like generalized tips (or 'soundbites') to get you intrigued about typography.
Joanna x

gdcom student said...

Hi Cristina

I love the layout you have used very clean and sophisticated. i understand the project mor now that you have given an example of the way it will look. I agree with Joanna its a really nice approach to get people interested in type. Well done!


gdcom student said...

As always (always said the true Cris way), the layout is fantastic. This has been a great project by way of showcasing your talents and you are emerging as a professional designer with sophisticated taste.

Melissa x